You might be asking, “what the heck is a ‘unit pin'”? As a registered scouter, you may never have used the scout unit finder tool at The “Be a Scout” tool allows interested families to locate a nearby pack/troop/crew/ship unit to join. With covid numbers decreasing and counties opening up, now is a great time to recruit new members. Making sure your unit information is correct on “Be a Scout” will definitely help!
- Check your unit’s information by visiting You should see something similar to this:
Note that this the contact information for this troop is incorrect.
2. If your unit’s information is correct, congratulations! If it isn’t work through the rest of this checklist. Your next step is to visit the “Organization Manager” after you log into
Select the “Organization Manager” to see the details of your unit:
Select “Unit Pin” from the menu on the left.
Notice where the incorrect information is located on your unit pin details. Press the “Edit” link (just below the contact information) to correct the information. Correct the inaccurate information. Notice the switches on the right hand side that allow you control what unit information is displayed on the