Troop 942 looking for girls
Adventure, Leadership, Service, Personal Growth & FUN! Young women can now be a part of Scouting-BSA and experience AMAZING Adventure, Leadership Development, Community Service, Personal Growth, and most important – FUN, within an all-female setting. Troop 2942 is a girl-only Scouting-BSA troop in the Tri-Valley area, organized expressly for girls age 10-18. If soaring like […]
Twin Valley’s new District Executive
Twin Valley is excited to announce that Michael Souza has accepted the position of Twin Valley District Executive. Michael is a native of Fremont and earned the rank of Eagle with Troop 154 in 2011. He is a graduate of California State University, East Bay and earned his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Professional, Public, […]
Recruiting checklist: Verify your “unit pin”
You might be asking, “what the heck is a ‘unit pin’”? As a registered scouter, you may never have used the scout unit finder tool at The “Be a Scout” tool allows interested families to locate a nearby pack/troop/crew/ship unit to join. With covid numbers decreasing and counties opening up, now is a great […]
If you missed it, you can still stay up to date.
Twin Valley hosted its monthly roundtable a couple of weeks ago, as well as “Scouting Out of Covid”. Both events are chock full important information to help you, the unit leader, deliver the best program to our youth. If you missed them, you are in luck! We recorded them and they are now published on […]
Virtual Pinewood Derby Ideas
Is your pack still looking for ideas on Pinewood Derby? Stuck for how to put on a Pinewood Derby while dealing with county health guidelines? Check out our presentation from the January Roundtable for Cub Scout Packs. More discussion at the February Roundtable. January Roundtable Virtual Pinewood Derby Ideas
If you missed it, get January’s Roundtable here
Twin Valley just completed the first Roundtable of 2021! If you missed it, or need more information, the slides are available on our website: We were joined by Ron Fedele, the council Scoutbook expert, to show off some new features available in Scoutbook. We recognized Kristine Biehl as our newest Silver Beaver honoree. We […]
Twin Valley’s Silver Beaver 2020
Twin Valley congratulates Kristine Biehl on being honored with the Silver Beaver award. Recipients of this award are registered Scouters who have made an impact on the lives of youth through service given at the council level. Kristine has been involved with Scouting for 20 years, in Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, and Venturing. She was […]
Scouting for Food 2020
In November, Twin Valley Scouts helped collect 5,570 pounds of food and raised $4,737 in donations for our annual Scouting for Food drive. Congratulations to the scouts and leaders who helped make this event successful. Twin Valley partners with the Alameda County Community Food Bank.
December Roundtable Available
![Stay Informed Attend Roundtable](
The Twin Valley district Roundtable is available on our Roundtable page, as well as a video on You Tube. The main topic of this roundtable is Scouts BSA troops presenting information to Arrow of Light Scouts. We also have the same information available on our Troop Resources for AOL Scouts page on this site.
Troop Resources for AOL Scouts
If your AOL scout is looking for a Scouts BSA Troop to join, we are pleased to be able to share troop information on the Troop Resources page. Some of the info slides were presented at the December 2020 Roundtable. Each Troop is providing contact information so you and your scout can communicate with the […]